Planning for Immigrant Parents
If you are not a US Citizen, you live in New York State, and you have children with you then you need to plan ahead in case you are ever detained by ICE, CBP or other federal agent.
Si no es ciudadano estadounidense, Ud. vive en el estado de Nueva York y tiene hijos con usted, debe planificar con anticipación en caso de que sea detenido por ICE, CBP u otro agente federal.
1. Planning For Your Kids – What forms do you need? This form will help you determine which forms you may want to prepare now. Go through this form for each of your children.
Planificación para sus hijos: ¿Qué formularios necesita? Este formulario le ayudará a determinar qué formularios quizás desee preparar ahora. Complete este formulario para cada uno de sus hijos.
2. All Forms Parental Authority – Fillable. This is a .PDF that includes the following forms in both English and Spanish:
- Designation of Person in Parental Relationship (OCFS-4940)
- Designation of Standby Guardianship
- Authorization for Travel
If you fill out the Cover Sheet of information at the beginning it will auto-fill the names and addresses throughout the form.
You still need to read through each form in detail, add missing information, and then print and sign them following the instructions of each form.
3. New York State Birth Certificate Mail In Application
If you need to apply for a New York State Birth Certificate for your child, you can use this mail in application, or you can use the online vital records.
4. Next Steps - What to do with these forms
This will guide you through what to do next with the Designation of Person in Parental Relationship, Designation of Standby Guardianship and other forms.